系統開放時間:2024年8月1日 00:00 ~ 8月30日中午12點
為了取得完整功能,勿用手機開啟,請使用電腦開啟系統(建議使用chrome 或 firefox 瀏覽器,勿用Safari瀏覽器),若造成資料上傳失敗,恕不負責。
  1. 適用對象:當學年度大學部一年級入學新生
  2. 以下學生不需登記模組(即不需要至「英語能力分級系統」上傳成績):
    • 可抵免英文4學分者。
    • 外文系學生。
    • 當學期復學生、交換生、轉學生:當學期得任選英文模組課程。次一學期若還要修習英文課,須於當學期結束前,自行到校外取得英檢成績並於當學期第5週~第17週前攜帶學生證及英檢成績證明正本至外語中心辦理登記模組,始得下學期選課
學生以帳號密碼登入「英語能力分級系統」之前請務必先詳閱本中心公告內容(網址: https://flc.ncku.edu.tw/p/412-1144-30628.php?Lang=zh-tw),相關時程依本中心公告內容為主。

常見問題請點選→ 英語能力分級測驗(新生分級測驗OOPT、大一新生分模組) Q&A
The system will be open from 00:00 , August 1st to 12:00 pm, August 30th, 2024.
Please use a computer to gain full access to the system. (Chrome or Firefox browsers are recommended). Using Safari browser or a mobile phone may cause failure in uploading your files. The Foreign Language Center assumes no responsibility for students' negligence.
  1. Target students: Freshmen of the 2024 academic year
  2. The following students do NOT need to register for English modules.
    • Students who are eligible to apply for English four-credits exemption.
    • FLLD students
    • Reenrolling, new transferred, or exchange students (Please go to the NCKU Course Information & Enrollment System to choose an English course. Students who need to take four credits for English courses should take hard copies of their English certificates to the FLC and register for English modules by the end of December, 2024. Otherwise, students of this category next semester.)
※Important Reminder:
Before students log into the "English Placement System",please click the following link to read the announcement ( https://flc.ncku.edu.tw/p/412-1144-30680.php?Lang=en), and follow the timelines outlined in the announcement..

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