系統開放時間:2023年8月17日 00:00 ~ 8月29日中午12點

  • 適用對象:112學年度大學部一年級入學新生。
  • 以下學生不需登記模組(即不需要至「英語能力分級系統」上傳成績) 
  • 可抵免英文4學分者。
  • 外文系學生。
  • 當學期復學生、交換生、轉學生: 請直接到選課系統選擇符合自己英語能力程度之模組課程。若需選修英文4學分者,須於當學期第17週前持英語檢定證本至外語中心辦理登記模組,下一學期起才可再次選課。

  • 類英文模組方式

  • 已具有CEFR對照等級之英語能力測驗證明者:

        () 請上傳英檢成績證明:
如已考過英語檢定測驗,可在112817 00 : 00829日中午1200,將成績證明上傳到「英語能力分級系統」https://eagle.english.ncku.edu.tw/eagleclassfiy登記模組,並於選課期間自行選課。


     (1) 請上傳成績單或證書完整掃描檔案,勿以部分截圖成績單/證書方式或截圖官方網站網頁成績形式上傳檔案,若造成無法辨識,將退件。成績審核為人工作業審核時間約需23;非上班日無法作業,敬請見諒! 將以 email寄出審查結果,請務必留意收信。若未注意到退件訊息,造成錯過重新上傳檔案日期,恕不負責

     (2) 恕不接受高中畢業證書、高中學校自行舉辦之(分級)考試成績作為成績證明。

     (3) 本中心不接受附件所示的英檢證明,請務必詳讀附件(請點我)

     (4) 若非使用下圖所示的英文檢定,將依循下列原則發分發模組:
模組一 對應CEFR B1及以下。
模組二 對應CEFR B2
模組一 對應CEFR C1及以上。


() 模組分發公告:112831公告於註冊組選課系統。

() 網路選課:11291 09:0092 17:00,請自行登入註冊組選課系統選課(選課確切時間仍請依註冊組公告為準)。



    • 分級測驗考試相關:
    1. 報名時間:112817上午00:00821日中午12:00


    1. 報名網址:「英語能力分級系統」https://eagle.english.ncku.edu.tw/eagleclassfiy
    2. 考試時間:112824日、825日、828日、829選擇其中一個場次考試即可。惟實際日期及場次仍須依分級系統中所列為準。選擇試場時,請優先選擇剩餘名額較少的教室,若是單一試場報名人數過少,將會合併至同一時段考試的其他試場。若有合併試場的相關公告將於考試時公布在考場
    3. 考試地點:本校成功校區計網中心電腦教室。

              (2:75201 教室、75209 教室;3:75301 教室、75309 教室。)

    1. 考試項目:採「Oxford Online Placement Test牛津英語線上測驗」,題型為聽力與閱讀。測驗皆在電腦上線上進行,無需紙筆,但考生須自備3.5mm有線耳機。
    2. 攜帶證件:考試當天請務必攜帶國民身分證前來驗證與報到


    1. 考試時間前15分鐘開放報到,考試開始10分鐘後(遲到10分鐘以後)不得入場。
    2. 本考試沒有補考機制,請準時到考。
    3. 本次測驗不開放陪考,請考生親友於考生報到時,至計網中心大樓外等候。
    4. 考試期間禁用手機,入場前請關閉手機,若有手機發出聲響及其他妨礙考試進行之行為,得視情節請出試場。
    5. 考試期間不得使用紙筆、電子設備或開啟其他電腦視窗,紀錄任何與考題相關之文字,違反規定者,登記並酌予扣分。
    6. 考試期間如遇特殊狀況需臨時離場,須告知監視人員始得離場,惟不得要求補足或延長考試時間。考試時間結束前,未再回到試場完成考試者,以零分計算。
    7. 如有舞弊或代考之情事者,該生成績以零分計算並依校規懲處。
    8. 英文抵免:本次測驗成績如符合英文抵免門檻,亦可至外語中心申請學分抵免。
    9. 模組分發公告:開課單位會依據測驗成績分發模組,並於112831公告於註冊組選課系統。
    10. 網路選課:11291日~92,請依據分發的模組自行登入註冊組選課系統選課(選課確切時間仍請依註冊組公告為準)。










A2: 1.可抵免英文4學分者

     2. 外文系學生

     3. 復學生、交換生、轉學生
     4. 已具有CEFR對照等級之英語能力測驗證明者(如多益、全民英檢、托福、雅思...等)。











The stystem will be open from 00:00 , August 17th to 12:00 pm, August 29th, 2023.
Please use a computer to gain full access to the system. Using a mobile phone may cause failure in uploading your files. The Foreign Language Center assumes no responsibility for students' negligence.
  1. Target students: Freshmen of the 2023 academic year
  2. The following students do NOT need to register for English modules.

Students who are eligible to apply for English four-credits exemption.

FLLD students

Reenrolling, new transferred, or exchange students (Please go to the NCKU Course Information & Enrollment System to choose an English course. Students who need to take four credits for English courses should take hard copies of their English certificates to the FLC and register for English modules by the end of December, 2023. Otherwise, students of this category will not be allowed to select any English course online next semester.)

  1. English Module Placement:
  • Students who have a CEFR certificate/transcript

 Please go to the English Placement System (https://eagle.english.ncku.edu.tw/eagleclassfiy) to upload your CEFR certificate/transcript to register for an English module. The system will be open from 12:00 am, August 17 to 12:00 pm, August 29, 2023. Students who register English modules successfully at this stage can select an English course at the 3rd Stage of Course Enrollment, “English Module Program Course Enrollment.”


(1) Please make sure the scanned certificate or transcript is complete and clear. Images that show only fragments of the certificate/ transcript or print-screened transcripts will NOT be accepted. The process of verification takes two to three days and the result will be sent by email.

    Students should take full responsibility for the confirmation of the result, and should re-upload the documents needed in due time if the first application is rejected. The Foreign Language Center assumes no responsibility for students’ negligence.

(2) A high school diploma or the grades of a (placement) test held by high schools are NOT accepted.

(3) We do NOT accept the English test certificates or transcripts shown in the attachment. Please make sure that you read the attachment thoroughly. (Please click here)

(4) English module will be assigned based on the following principles:
Module 1: CEFR B1 and below
Module 2: CEFR B2
Module 3: CEFR C1 and above

NCKU English Module Courses with their CEFR Alignments (Click the picture to zoom in!)

  1. The placement result for English Module is scheduled to be published on the website of NCKU Course Information and Course Enrollment System by 17:00 August 31.
  2. Students are required to select courses preferred in the category of English Module Program. Selection of English module courses for this semester starts from 9:00, September 1 to 17:00, September 2.
  3. Please note that the “English Placement System” and the “Confirmation of Foreign Language Competence System” are used for different purposes. Students should make sure to upload their English certificates/transcripts for module registration via the English Placement System.  The Foreign Language Center assumes no responsibility for students’ negligence.

  • Students who don’t have a CEFR certificate/transcript have to register for Freshmen English Placement Test.
  1. Registration Period: from 12:00 am, August 17th 2023 to 12:00 pm, August 21th, 2023.

Once the registration closes, no change of date, venue, or replacement registration will be accepted.

  1. Registration Website: " English Placement System"


  1. Examination Date: August 24th, August 25th, August 28th, August 29th, 2023.

Students can choose one of the above examination sessions. However, the actual date and number of sessions will be determined on the English Placement System.

When selecting examination rooms , please give priority to those with fewer seats left. If the number of students in the same examination room is too small, students from this room will be sent to other examination rooms in the same examination session. The merge result will be announced at the exam locations on the exam day if there is a merge of examination rooms.

  1. Examination Venue: Computer Classrooms of NCKU Computer and Network Center, CHENG-KUNG CAMPUS, No. 1, Dasyue Rd, East District, Tainan City, 701.

( classroom 75201,classroom 75209 on 2nd floor ; classroom 75301, classroom 75309 on 3rd floor.)

  1. The Freshmen English Placement Test is the Oxford Online Placement Test (OOPT), which is divided into listening and reading tests. The test is conducted on-line on a computer, but test-takers should bring their own 3.5mm wired earphones. No pen/pencils, paper, or electronic devices are allowed.
  2. On the day of the exam, please be sure to bring your national ID card for verification; no one will be allowed to enter the examination room without the required document. Please leave national ID card on the desk for inspection during the exam.

(For foreign students and overseas students, please bring:

Basic Data Form for New Students, and Residence Permit and Passport).

  1. The examination room is open 15 minutes before the test begins. No test-taker is admitted to the room after 10 minutes from the test begins.
  2.  There is no make-up test. Please attend the test on time.
  3. Test-takers' relatives or friends will not be admitted to enter the examination room. Please wait outside of Computer and Network Center while check-in process begins.
  4. Mobile phones must be turned off before the test begins. If any noise is sounded from a mobile phone and causes disturbance in the room, the owner of the phone may be required to withdraw from the examination room.
  5. No pen/pencils, paper, or electronic devices are allowed. No other windows/browsers, except for the current testing window, should be opened during the test. Test-takers should not note down anything during the test. Points will be deducted from the total, if any of the above violation is detected.
  6.  Any test-taker wishing to leave the examination room temporarily should raise their hand to request permission from an invigilator. No extra time will be given to the test-taker under any circumstance. If the test-taker does not return to the examination room before the test ends, the test will be marked zero for that test-taker
  7. A test-taker may be removed from the examination if cheating is found from the student.
  8. If your scores on the English Placement Test meet the threshold of English Course Exemption , you may also apply for waiving English course credits at the Foreign Language Center. For more information about applying for the credit waiver, please refer to the following link: https://flc.ncku.edu.tw/p/412-1144-22834.php?Lang=en
  9. The placement result for English Module is scheduled to be published on the website of NCKU Course Information and Course Enrollment System by 17:00,August 31.
  10. Students are required to select courses preferred in the category of English Module Program. Selection of English module courses for this semester starts from 9:00, September 1 to 17:00, September 2.
  1. Students should choose one of the " Register for Freshmen English Placement Test " or "Upload a CEFR certificate or transcript " to apply. Simultaneous application is NOT permitted.
  2. Students who don’t upload valid certificates/transcripts of their English proficiency in the English Placement System will NOT be allowed to select any English course this semester. Instead, students should take a standardized test, such as GEPT, TOEIC, TOFEL, IELTS, on their own expenses in order to register for modules. Students who fail to register for modules in the time designated can only select an English course next semester.
  3. English module courses are not freshman-limited. Students are only required to take four credits of English courses before graduation.
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