※英語能力指標注意事項 Important notes on NCKU’s English Proficiency Requirements for Undergraduate Students
1. 達成各系之英語能力指標者,請於本系統登錄認證,並上傳成績證明文件,經學系審核通過才算完成認證程序。
Students who have reached the English proficiency requirements specified by their departments should submit their applications to the online “Confirmation of English Competence System” with necessary score reports attached. The applications will be verified by the students’ departments.
2. 送出申請後,可自行登入本系統查詢審核結果。如久未獲知結果,請自行提醒所屬學系承辦人員線上審核。
Students can log into the above online system to monitor the application processes and decisions after the submissions are filed.
3. 認證申請辦理時程:不限,入學後至畢業前任何時間均可辦理。
Students can submit their applications any time after their enrollment in the university.
4. 未達成指標者請勿使用本系統。
Students must not use the system unless they have reached the specified requirements of their departments.
5. 英文課程與英語能力指標相關法規請見成鷹計畫網站/法規及Q&A
Go to http://english.ncku.edu.tw/eagle/?q=node/16 for the regulations related to English courses, exams, and proficiency requirements.
舊制: 適用103學年度以前(含103學年)入學的學生,已通過抵免大一或大二英文之學生(但不包含以大學指考或學測成績抵免者),可不需辦理(畢業門檻)認證。 未辦理抵免之學生通過各學系訂定之畢業門檻者,請於本系統辦理認證作業。
新制: 適用104學年度起入學的學生,因各系英語能力指標門檻不同,因此不論是否抵免過英文學分,皆需登入本系統進行英語能力指標(畢業門檻)認證。